Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I know more than you do!

Apparently Noh Moo-hyun is getting tired of hearing all the nations of the world citisize South Korea's policies towards the North. During a trip to Australia he apparently said "We dare to take pride in that South Korea knows best about North Korea,"

Normally I would say that he is right. South Korea's unique position with the North should by far give it insight into developments in the DPRK. However, any news watcher worth his weight should remember that just prior to the Nuclear test, Noh and his administration said that there was no way the North would conduct a test.

Silly them I suppose (and the Unification Minister resigned because of it), because soon after the North tested a Nuke and the region has been spinning since.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Even more spies caught.

Well, it seems that some of the North's plans have been unraveling of late. A little while ago an espionage group had received instructions from North Korea by e-mail and infiltrated the far-left Democratic Labor Party and had been under Northern orders to stir up trouble here in the South. And in another semi-related case, a 48 man was arrested in July when he entered South Korea posing as a Filipino visitor. Apparently he had been taking pictures of certain facilities in the South and sending them North.
Of special note in the article it mentions:
The court said it had imposed a relatively light punishment because, in the court's words, "taking pictures of national facilities is not itself a significant threat to national security."Sounding almost apologetic, the court said it was regrettable that the suspect had to be punished "even though he is one of our own."
Far too often are the courts and commissions here going easy on anyone in favor of the North.
I look forward to the day that the Unification Ministry and their friends get investigated with the same scrutiny as the men above.