Sunday, November 19, 2006

Everyone is on the same page

Over the past weekend a U.N. committee passed a resolution Friday criticizing North Korea's human rights abuses, with South Korea voting in favor for the first time.
Although it was "non-binding", it is a good indicator that the world is coming on board in condeming the Human Rights situation in the North.

As well, a number of leaders that were in Viet Nam this week for the APEC Summit seemed very willing to voice their concerns on the subject.

Heck, you know it's bad when the Canadians are going to "say" something:
Canada said it sent a senior diplomat to North Korea on Thursday with a strong message calling for a resolution of the crisis over the communist country's nuclear weapons program.
"Canada's position from the beginning is that nuclear test programs are dangerous and unstable for the region," senior Canadian government official Dimitri Soudas told The Associated Press.

"The international community is obligated to approach the issues of the Korean peninsula and the Iranian nuclear program firmly but very cautiously," Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in Russia's latest warning that overly harsh actions against Tehran or Pyongyang could undermine efforts to resolve the disputes.

"Right now, all parties need to be flexible and stay calm and exercise self-control and prevent a deterioration" in the situation, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao.

Well now, all we need is for the South Koreans to get on board and we've got a party.

Oh wait, maybe they just did. It seems that the ROK has finally realized that there is a Human Rights problem in the North and that the South is partially responsible for it (if not now, then in the future). Or, could it be that they simply didn't want the new general Secretary of the UN looking bad on his first day of office?

Either way, let's hope this direction continues. Whether by hook or by crook, this administration is going to have to face facts.

1 comment:

Kstylick said...

The reason why problems are piling up high in a lot of nations is because some government doesn't want to face the facts. They must realized the problems at hand while trying the sweep the clutter of the past administrations.