Monday, November 13, 2006

The DPRK being abused by Japan?

Well it seems that the DPRK believes that Japan's sanctions are a hostile move from "a puppet of U.S. imperialists." The Rodong Sinmun is quoted as saying "It is the view of the DPRK that since the U.S. attends the six-party talks, there is no need for Japan to participate in them as a local delegate because it is no more than a state of the U.S. and it is enough for Tokyo just to be informed of the results of the talks by Washington."

So, a week ago they asked that Japan not be invited to the 6 party talks. Now they take it one step further saying that Japan can simply be "informed" by the Us and that it has no real stake in the process.

How soon they forget about kidnappings, threats, and missiles tests - all aimed in Japan's direction. Personally, I'm waiting for the Abe administration to step it up a notch and say - If the DPRK has Nuclear Weapons, then we need them too.

I say let the dominoes fall where they may.

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