Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Apparently several protesters were injured while protesting outside the KORUS FTA talks in Jeju yesterday. Prior to the negotiations, it was reported that over 10,000 police were being readied to combat any violence. Apparently though they handed out a little of their own.

Honestly, I'm fine with it. For the most part these protesters are not workers scared of loosing their jobs, nor farmers worried about falling prices, but rather professionals that are always spoiling for a fight. They all too often mix in their own agendas and bring other issues into the foray (Anti-US sentiment, foreign policy, the price of rice in China).

Personally, I worry about the young men who have to serve in the police service and who routinely get their butts handed to them by organized thugs. For too long protested have gotten away with too much, I wonder when the public will fully sway against them.

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