Thursday, October 19, 2006

North Korea goes Nuclear

Threats have flown from the DPRK for years now. How they are going to turn the South into a ball of fire, how they can fight off any American attack, how Kim Jong-il can shoot 20 under par. So when they said that a Nuclear test was imminent, I (along with the international community) had doubts. Sure the US said that they had evidence of a suspected build up... But we all know where that brought the world last time *cough* Iraq *cough*

I held off writing because simply, even after official word from the DPRK, I didn't believe they had actually pulled off a test. For some reason, I thought they just might have dropped a 100 tons of explosives down a shaft and called it a day. It seems I am wrong. Apparently, those little noses attached to US surveillance aircraft have noticed the distinct smell of Nuclear fission.

Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte said the findings came after analysis of radioactive debris detected at the site of the test. This the first official US confirmation that a nuclear detonation took place.

Rice is now on here way to Seoul after a stop over in Japan to meet with Prime Minister Abe. She had some strong words of support for Japan and it's protection under the US Nuclear Umbrella. with her heading to Seoul tomorrow, I wonder if she'll get as warm of a reception.

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